History of the Library

History of the Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio
By Alan Hall, Director Emeritus

Library service began in Jefferson County, Ohio in 1815 with the establishment of the Steubenville Library Company in Michael 
Johnston's Drug Store on 3rd Street. The subscription library was open one day per month to those purchasing memberships.

In 1830, a young Edwin M. Stanton opened a circulating library in his home while serving an apprenticeship at the Turnbull 
Bookstore. Books were loaned for 10 cents per volume.

The City Library Association was formed in 1845 with 450 volumes and continued until it closed in 1857. Without continued 
funding and supervision, early subscription libraries came and went and interest waned.

The books from the Association were moved and added to the books of the school system and housed in the Scott Building on 
4th Street until the Odd Fellows Building was opened, and the library collection was moved there.

All of the collections were moved to the New City Hall at 3rd & Market Streets when it opened in 1884 in an upstairs room, then 
boxed for future use elsewhere.

Rev. Dr. A.M. Reid, the Superintendent of the Steubenville Female Seminary which operated from 1829-1899 and educated 
thousands of women over those years, wrote a letter to Mr. Andrew Carnegie regarding funding of a public library for 

On June 30, 1899, a letter was received from Carnegie's Skibo Castle in Scotland recounting the two weeks that a young 
Carnegie spent in Steubenville in 1850 learning to run the telegraph. He also pledged $ 50,000 for a new public library if the 
town of Steubenville would provide the site and $ 4,000 per year for operations. Steubenville therefore became the first Ohio 
library to be funded by Carnegie, joined by East Liverpool and Sandusky.

The Pittsburgh architectural firm of Alden & Harlow was hired, and construction began on the site of the Estate of Joseph Sarratt 
at 4th & Slack Streets. Carnegie donated an additional $ 12,000 and the new Victorian-Romanesque building opened March 12,
1902. The design was similar to the Oakmont (PA) Library under design at the same time, and the building draws some design 
features from the 1888 Cambridge (MA) City Hall, also designed by Frank Alden.

Officially called the Carnegie Library of Steubenville, the building was a success but by the 1920s all Ohio libraries were having 
operational issues due to a lack of operating funds. In 1933, the new Intangibles Tax for public libraries in Ohio was approved 
and the State Library of Ohio studied library services to expand the availability to all Ohio citizens.

On January 1, 1936, the library was expanded to the Carnegie Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County, with WPA fund used 
to establish countywide service through the use of branch libraries and Bookmobile Service.

The Main Library was renovated with expansions constructed in 1948, 1952, and 1963 as services were provided countywide. In 
1956, the original clay tile roof on the MainLibrary was replaced with a slate roof, and the deteriorated top-of-the-tower was

In 1962, the name "Carnegie" was changed to Public Library of Steubenville andJefferson County to recognize that tax monies 
were supporting the library system.

In 1987, the library system utilized Federal LSCA funds, donations, and a capital account to construct the Schiappa Branch 
Library. In 1990, additional Federal LSCA funds were used to construct a new Toronto Branch Library. A new building was 
constructed for the Dillonvale-Mt. Pleasant Branch Library, and renovations were performed at the branch libraries in Adena, 
Tiltonsville, and Brilliant in the following years.

A capital improvement fund was established to renovate the Carnegie Main Library to make the facility ADA-Compliant 
(Americans With a Disability Act) as it was the last Ohio public library to be inaccessible. In 2014 the architectural firm of 
Valentour, English, Bodnar & Howell of Pittsburgh was contracted to review the building and determine options to make it 
accessible to all.

Construction began on the $ 4.0 million project in 2017 with the Main Library closed for 18 months as the garage and annex 
were demolished and a new addition compliant to regulations of the National Register of Historic Places were followed in 
designing a new addition with a new entrance onto Slack Street. A community meeting room, new reference and computer room, 
a new Bookmobile service area and garage, and new children's library were added with a 2-story atrium connecting the 1902 
Carnegie building to the new building. The book stacks and audiovisual area were returned to the main floor of the Carnegie 
building with its restored marble floors. Administrative offices for the library system, and work areas for technical services for the 
system were located in the renovated lower level of the Carnegie building.

The State of Ohio repealed the Intangibles Tax in 1985, replacing it with the Public Library Fund which receives a percentage of 
the state general revenue fund, to fund the 251 Public Library Districts in Ohio. In 2010, the residents of Jefferson County 
supplemented the reduced state fund with a 1 mill local levy to fund operations of the Main Library, 6 Branches, and Bookmobile.


1899-1935 (Opened March 12, 1902)

Ellen Summers WilsonHead Librarian01/01/1902 - 08/03/1904
Agnes ElliottHead Librarian11/17/1904 - 07/15/1906
Beatrice KelleyHead Librarian07/15/1906 - 01/01/1922
Eleanor NeidengardHead Librarian02/11/1922 - 01/01/1936






Alma HugginsHead Librarian05/19/1936 - 08/07/1944
Melborne DavidsonHead Librarian10/14/1944 - 05/01/1945
Mildred TurnbullHead Librarian09/01/1945 - 12/31/1947
Frances JonesHead Librarian01/01/1948 - 08/31/1952
David W. GriffithDirector09/01/1952 - 12/30/1964






Martin S. HowardDirector01/01/1965 - 12/31/1974
Mary Ellen KovalanDirector01/01/1975 - 03/30/1983
Alan C. HallDirector06/01/1983 - 08/30/2018
Michael P. GrayDirector09/01/2018 -

NOTES: Neidengard, Griffith, Kovalan, and Gray had worked at the library in other positions before their listing. Hall became Assistant
 Director from 09/01/2018 until 05/01/2019 to manage the Main Library renovation prior to retiring.


           Municipal District Library - City of Steubenville - 6 members
           Established October 1, 1899 - Mayor appoints Board Members

George W. McCook11/01/1899 - 12/1910
Horatio G. Dohrman11/01/1899 - 03/26/1908
W.H. McClinton11/01/1899 - 09/26/1929
James W. Gill11/01/1899 - 06/01/1928
Charles Gallagher11/01/1899 - 10/01/1901*
Michael Keane11/01/1899 – 01/01/1913
Thomas P. Spencer12/03/1901 - 03/19/1913
Joseph B. Doyle12/05/1910 - 01/01/1928
J.H. Timberlake02/13/1911 - 01/01/1928
L.E. Loftus03/19/1913- 01/01/1928
Thomas J. Keane12/06/1921 - 01/01/1936
J. F. McFadden01/26/1924 - 01/1937
T.H. Kelly01/18/1926 - 01/01/1936
W.E. Alban01/17/1928 - 01/01/1936
L.L. Grimes01/17/1928 - 09/26/1929
Dr. C.A. Campbell09/09/1929 - 05/18/1933
C.C. Simeral09/09/1929 - 01/01/1936
Hal Votey05/18/1933 - 01/01/1936















          Municipal District Library - City of Steubenville - 6 members
          [County Extension Center by the State Library of Ohio]
          Established January 1, 1936 - Mayor appoints Board Members

A.G. Whitehouse01/01/1936 - 01/01/1940
Perry A. Wilson01/01/1936 - 01/01/1940
Mrs. Stanley Newbrander01/01/1936 - 01/26/1937
Herman Peiros01/01/1936 - 01/26/1937
Mrs. James Gill03/17/1936 - 01/26/1938
Howard Darner07/01/1937 - 01/26/1938
Walter Radinsky01/26/1938 - 01/01/1940
Mrs. Fred Bates01/26/1937 - 01/01/1948
Mrs. Glenn Claypoole01/01/1938 - 12/31/1945
Charles Baker01/01/1942 - 12/31/1946
Chauncy Hawthorne01/01/1940 – 12/31/1948
Ray Bernert01/01/1940 - 12/31/1948
Mrs. Sidney Cope01/01/1940 – 12//31/1948
Mrs. Ora Rutherford01/01/1946 - 01/01/1950
Cecil Wagner01/01/1946 – 10/01/1946
Elias Bloch11/01/1946 – 12/01/1946*
William Yonkee01/01/1946 – 01/01/1950
Marian Pisarro11/01/1949 - 12/31/1951
Flora Gillette11/01/1949 - 12/31/1951
Gladys McCue01/01/1948 - 09/01/1954
Addison Reed01/01/1948 - 12/31/1955
Max Goldfein01/01/1947 - 12/31/1953
Bertha Freifield01/01/1950 - 12/31/1957
Myron Coleman01/01/1950 - 09/01/1957
Mary Scanlan05/01/1952 - 12/31/1958
Robert Trotter01/01/1954 - 07/01/1955
Ruth Welch09/01/1954 - 12/31/1959
Max Goldfein08/01/1955 - 12/31/1957
Sam Murray01/01/1956 – 12/31/1963
James McHugh10/01/1957 - 09/01/1964
Mon-is Supowitz01/01/1958 – 01/10/1991 *
Julia Cusack01/01/1959 - 12/31/1968
Mary Chalfant01/01/1958 - 12/31/1966
Florence Dougherty01/01/1960 - 12/31/1963




























            [Name change only in 1962]

Margaret Hennings01/01/1964 - 12/31/1971
Blanchard Yoder09/01/1964 - 12/31/1965
LaVerne Williams01/01/1964 - 12/31/1975
Grace Hanna01/01/1966 - 12/31/1973
(Judge) Richard Powell01/01/1966 - 02/01/2016*
Cynthia Sticker01/01/1969 – 06/30/1969
John Maltese07/01/1969 - 12/31/1983
Robert Freese01/01/1972 - 12/31/1983
Carol Gaston01/01/1974 - 07/09/2014*
Clotilda Carfagna01/01/1976 - 03/06/1989*
Eunice Lincoff01/09/1984 – 04/19/2017*
John Habash01/09/1984 - 12/31/1987
John Maltese01/01/1988 - 08/05/1995*
Margaret King08/29/1989 – 11/2000*
Florence Rakich05/15/1991 - 10/07/2014
Frank Dimit10/12/1995 – 07/07/2003*
Jerry Barilla09/09/2003 – 12/31/2017















            [State Laws in 2012-2014 changed Municipal District Library to 7 members, and Service Area of Library System designated as 
           geographic boundary of Jefferson County, Ohio. Ohio Attorney General ruled that board members could be from "anyplace in Ohio"]

Samuel M. Turrentine01/15/2013 - 06/08/2016
Maddalena Repella09/19/2014 - 12/31/2022
Stanley Gaston09/19/2013 - 07/17/2022*
Lydia Spragin10/28/2014 - 12/31/2018
Virginia Mascio04/26/2016 - 12/31/2022
Lorie A. Sullivan10/07/2016 - 12/31/2022
Paul Brandt01/01/2018 - 12/31/2022
Gary Hallock01/01/2018 - 12/31/2022
Lisa Foster01/01/2019 - 12/31/2022

           By action of the State Library of Ohio as per Ohio Revised Code, acting on a Resolution from the Board of Library Trustees; the Library
           System was Converted to a County District Library with 7 members on the Board of Library Trustees, appointed by the Board of County
           Commissioners and the Judge Of the Court of Common Pleas as per Ohio Revised Code.  All terms of members of the Board of Library
           Trusteed ended to be appointed to sliding year terms as outlined in the Ohio Revised Code so that a board member would be appointed 
           each year after the 7 year transition.

Ann Silverthorn01/2023 - 01/2024County Commissioners
Maddalena Repella01/2023 - 01/2025Judge
Gary Hallock01/2023 - 01/2026County Commissioners
Virginia Mascio01/2023 - 01/2027Judge
Paul Brandt01/2023 - 01/2028County Commissioners
Lorie Sullivan01/2023 - 01/2029Judge
Lisa Foster01/2023 - 01/2030County Commissioners







*Died in office



Source URL: https://www.steubenvillelibrary.org/about/history